發新話題 Report thanks

[資訊分享] 小學入學叩門信、推薦信、自薦信中、英文範本


  • 一封自薦信
  • 一封幼稚園校長推薦信(副本)
  • 個人資料自我介紹 
  • 小一學位選校表(副本)連同自行收生選校表 
  • K1,K2,K3學期成績表(副本)
  • 英文、普通話及電腦科評估表等(副本) 
  • 家課(副本)
  • 其他課外活動證書(副本) 
  • 校外設計比賽及舞蹈表演相片(10)中英文書法及標語設計比賽獲獎相片(11)學生相一張、出生證明(副本)、回郵信封

  • 自行分配副本,~最好從一而忠先好放進呀~
  • 統一派位副本,
  • 幼稚園校長信副本,
  • 家長給小學校長的信,~最好由自己編寫,因為大家都有著一飾一樣的信,如果你係校長你會點呢?字可以係打印
  • 小朋友成績表,
  • 各類證書,
  • 小朋友個人資料包括證件相一張~最好由小朋友自己填寫~,
  • 小朋友一些畫作,~係送比個校長的~,
  • 幼稚園生活照
  • 回郵信封連郵票~方便如有後補表格可以即時寄上~
  • 家長資料和身份證明,出生紙副本,
  • 第一份在放榜前一星期遞交,
  • 第二份在放榜當日遞交,還可以詢問幾時有後補表格派發,因為放榜當日好多時學校的電話係打唔通的,
  • 第三份在放榜後填寫後補表格時遞交,






同時應提交小朋友的個人履歷,可讓校長多點瞭解小朋友,這些資料對校長極具參考作用,其內容除了孩子的個人履歷表(此履歷表亦向校長顯露家長的能力)外亦包括幼稚園各級成績表、曾參加的課內外活動資料、證書、獎狀,統一派位及自行收生的家長副本等,上述只需影印本,但若未能釘裝成書,可將各頁套入Clear Folder ,若可能的話,彩色影印更佳。但別人撰寫的推薦信、如神父等便要正本放在較前的位置,若推薦人份量十足,推薦信更應放在頭版。

Dear Principal, 
Please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of my son / daughter陳大文(Chan Tai-Man)for the education offered by the XXXX Primary School.
My son / daughter and I are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of one’s potential.The school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment.I attribute the success solely to the devotion and enthusiasms by the Principal and every members of the school.The XXXX Primary School really makes a difference.
I am sure my son / daughter will obtain great benefit if he / she is with the XXXX Primary School.And follows his / her own initiative in learning and being diligent.Though he / she might not have done as well as others,he / she is likely to show great progress if some form of enlightenment is given by someone who is a real educationalist.Moreover,my son / daughter is humble,pure and hardworking.He / She love reading,drawing and playing piano.He / She also joins the chapel master in school and obtains some performances.
I believe that my son / daughter could receive a high-quality education,the best development and happy school life if he / she could be educated in your school.
My sincere hope that Principal could give us support.For more understanding of my son / daughter,copies of his / her school reports,certificates and testimonials are enclosed for your consideration.We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks for your kind attention.
Yours truly,
Dear Principal, 
Please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of mine and my son / daughter for the education offered by the XXXX Primary School.
My son / daughter and I are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of one’s potential.The school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment.I attribute the success solely to the devotion and enthusiasms by the Principal and every members of the school.The XXXX Primary School really makes a difference.
I am sure my son / daughter will obtain great benefit if he / she is with the XXXX Primary School.And follows his / her own initiative in learning and being diligent.Though he / she might not have done as well as others,he / she is likely to show great progress if some form of enlightenment is given by someone who is a real educationalist.Moreover,my son / daughter started on playing the piano at last year and has attained the stage II level.His / her talent in this area is likely to be developed further as the XXXX Primary Scholl has an excellent reputation for music.
I would be most grateful if my son / daughter could be given an interview with the Principal so that you may obtain a more comprehensive understanding of my son / daughter.Copies of my son / daughter’s school reports,certificates and testimonials are enclosed for your consideration.Should anything be missing,I can be reached at 12345678for clarification.
Thanks for your kind attention.
Yours truly,
___________________________1st January,2000
Mr./ Ms XXXX
The Principal
XXXX Primary School
Dear Mr./ Ms XXXX,
Highly impressed by the whole-person education and the brilliant teachers of your school,which have been nurturing students of both academic and moral excellence in the past.Therefore,on behalf of my son / daughter XXX,we would like to apply for the admission to Primary One.
Educated in XXXX Kindergarten,XXXX performs especially well in Chinese and English,satisfactorily in other subjects.He / She has a bright character,a strong curiosity,and a love for reading and music.At the school’s talent show this year,he / she even received an award in the Piano / Violin performance.
In order to balance XXXX’s development in all aspects,I often accompany him / her to participate in many family activities organized by our community organizations to broaden his / her horizon,to foster his / her knowledge in our society,and to encourage his / her independent thinking and expression of ideas.
I wish the best for our child’s development and earnestly hope that XXXX could receive a high-quality education from your school.Meanwhile,he / she could enjoy a happy school life.
Enclosed are a completed application form and copies of the relevant documents for your review.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Attachment:1application form,1copy of the academic report and 1self-address envelope.1st January,2000
Mr./ Miss XXXX
The Principal
XXXX Primary School
Dear Mr./ Miss XXXX,
We are very grateful and appreciative of you spending precious time in reading this unexpected letter of ours.The main purpose of this letter is to take this opportunity to introduce our son / daughter to you.
Our son / daughter,XXXX has applied to your school for P1admission next year during the Discretionary Phase.We are highly impressed by your School Motto –to be humble,mutual respect,hardworking,positive philosophy,independent thinking.Similarly,the team of brilliant teachers who have nurtured the students towards academic and moral excellence has greatly motivated us.As such,we are very keen for him / her to become a student of your esteemed school.We have selected your school for the Discretionary Phase (Application Form No.XXX,number XXX),and have already decided that if we should fail,we will definitely try again in the Central Allocation Phase and subsequently thereafter XXXX is currently studying in the whole day upper class of XXXX Kindergarten.He / She enjoys reading and music very much.Our son / daughter is honest,independent and has a bright character,with a strong sense of curiosity which we encourage.He / She has won school awards for School Competition of English Chirography,Chinese Chirography and other competitions in the school.
In order to balance XXXX’s developments,he / she attends Piano Course in Tom Lee Music and English Phonics Course in Bauhinia Association.We also often bring him / her to family activities organized by the community organizations,the school and our family in order to broaden his / her horizon and to encourage his / her independent thinking.
We would be appreciated if we could be given an interview (anytime)with the Principal for further clarification and we sure that the Principal could obtain a more comprehensive understanding of our son / daughter.
Enclosed,please find a copy of the application form,curriculum vitae and copies of awards,certificates,academic reports and photos for your consideration,
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours sincerely,
XXXXDear Principal,
It gives me great honour to write to you.We met last month at your School Open Day,and at the time,my son / daughter,XXXX and I were impressed by the virtues your pupils presented and the academic excellence they maintained.I also agree with your adoption of the cross-curriculum methodology to broaden pupils’horizon.Such nourishing environment has confirmed our decision to apply to your school.
XXXX shares the same view with full enthusiasm.He / She actively joins an array of enlightening courses that can equip him / her with essential knowledge,thus build up him / her confidence.I believe this initiative is the main reason that your pupils are always outstanding.More encouragingly,my husband and I find my son / daughter has potent language ability,especially in reading English literature.This trait is exceptionally suited to your school’s emphasis on language training.
We also recognize that your school is one of the few pioneers in establishing a parents’association,in which teachers coordinate seasonable activities to foster a harmonious relationship between the school board and parents.Their commitment and consideration again makes us feel that we can count on your school to nurture wholesome development of our children.
We are now more convinced than ever that (school name)is our ultimate choice.In the meantime,I am enclosing XXXX’s achievement portfolio,which explains further why him / her qualities would make a good addition to your school.Thank you for letting us know that primary school life can be that fruitful and enjoyable.
Yours faithfully,
(Parent’s name)
xxxxxxx School (Primary School) Your Address No.41-B,xxxxx road, Hong Kong   September 6,2005.
_____Attn :Mr.xxxxxxxxx,Principal of the School
Re :Request for Application Form for 2005Primary One Class
With complete sharing on the spirit of the School Badges -to be humble,hardworking,pure and truthful,we hope our daughter,Miss ________________could pursue on this right track.Certainly,the best way we hope _____could achieve this goal is to let her become a student of your esteemed school.
As _______is our first child to attend the Primary School,we should be grateful if you could accept our apologies for this unexpected letter.While there may be further arrangement such as testing,interview,or examination that would be coming up in the next few months,we would appreciate if you could provide us with a copy of the relevant Application Form in the meantime.
Kindly find enclosed a copy of ____’s Birth Certificate and a returned envelope for your perusal.
Should you have any queries,please do not hesitate to contact us at ___________.
With warm regards,
Yours truly,
4th October 2005
Miss Wong
The Principal
Dear Miss Wong,
We are very grateful and appreciative of you spending precious time in reading this unexpected letter of ours.The main purpose of this letter is to take this opportunity to introduce our son/daughter to you.
Our son/daughter,XXX has applied to your school for P1admission next year during the Discretionary Phase.We are highly impressed by your School Motto –to be humble,mutual respect,hardworking,positive philosophy,independent thinking.Similarly,the team of brilliant teachers who have nurtured the students towards academic and moral excellence has greatly motivated us.As such,we are very keen for him/her to become a student of your esteemed school.We have selected your school for the Discretionary Phase (Application Form No.XXX,number XXX),and have already decided that if we should fail,we will definitely try again in the Central Allocation Phase and subsequently thereafter
XXX is currently studying in the whole day upper class of XXX Kindergarten.He/She enjoys reading and music very much.Our son/daughter is honest,independent and has a bright character,with a strong sense of curiosity which we encourage.He/She has won school awards for School Competition of English Chirography,Chinese Chirography and other competitions in the school.
In order to balance XXX’s developments,he/she attends Piano Course in Tom Lee Music and English Phonics Course in Bauhinia Association.We also often bring him/her to family activities organized by the community organizations,the school and our family in order to broaden his/her horizon and to encourage his/her independent thinking.
We would be appreciated if we could be given an interview (anytime)with the Principal for further clarification and we sure that the Principal could obtain a more comprehensive understanding of our son/daughter.
Enclosed,please find a copy of the application form,curriculum vitae and copies of awards,certificates,academic reports and photos for your consideration,
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours sincerely,
Principal of XXXXX School
I have been requested to provide a reference for WONG xxxx xxxx who has applied for the admission to the XXXXXXX School.I have known this little Christian for a period of ____years/months.In reference to his practice of the Christian Faith:
He attends Mass on a regular basis.He is baptized and registered in the local parish.He is familiarly known to me and is a small Christian role model.
I know his parents fairly well.I appreciate them for all their contributions and voluntaries to our church.I felt very delightful in their devoutness and worships,and have insight that their strong beliefs in God must have been developed into a very positive influence on their son’s development.
I have been requested to provide a reference for WONG xxxx xxxx who has applied for the admission to the XXXXXXX School.I have known this little Christian for a period of ____years/months.In reference to his practice of the Christian Faith:
He attends Mass on a regular basis.He is baptized and registered in the local parish.He is familiarly known to me and is a small Christian role model.
I know his parents fairly well.I appreciate them for all their contributions and voluntaries to our church.I felt very delightful in their devoutness and worships,and have insight that their strong beliefs in God must have been developed into a very positive influence on their son’s development.
Attending to XXXXXXXX School would be the perfect fit for WONG xxxx xxx with a strong Christian background and a great start for his education.
Signature of Priest  Address of Parish
Name of Priest  ________________________
Date  Phone
本人乃XXXX之家長。小兒/ 小女將於明年九月升讀小學一年級。現特來函,期盼賜予機會,讓小兒/ 小女能在貴校之啟蒙下盡展所長和成就學業。
本人一直對貴校之辦學方針推崇備至,既著重學生的學業,又兼顧學生在課餘方面的發展,對德育培訓亦重視有加。本人曾多次在公眾場合遇上貴校學生,他們均表現得謙遜有禮,面上更是充滿好比陽光燦爛般笑容。校長閣下與一眾教職員對教育事業俱有滿腔熱誠,作育英材,實為社會之幸。若小兒/ 小女有幸獲閣下惜才,到貴校接受教育,這對小兒/ 小女之成長實在有莫大益處。
小兒/ 小女資質實屬不差,勸奮主動,若能獲得校長及貴校老師啟蒙,定必能造出顯著成就。在學業方面,小兒/ 小女尤其喜愛英文環節;另一方面,小兒/ 小女是個動靜皆宜的孩子,課餘時間學習繪畫及舞蹈,在校內則積極參加合唱團及朗誦班,並出外多次參與表演,若小兒/ 小女能有幸入讀貴校,小兒/ 小女在這方面的潛能定能得到悉心栽培及發揮。
本人誠懇希望校長大人能賜與機會和支持,給小兒/ 小女作一面試短敍。現隨函附上小兒/ 小女之成績表、歷年獲頒之獎狀、幼稚園校長之推薦信副本,若有任何遺漏及補充,煩請閣下致電XXXXXXXX與本人聯絡,敬希卓裁。
本人乃XXXX之家長。小兒/ 小女將於本年九月入讀小學一年級。小兒/ 小女曾於「自行收生」及「統一派位」兩階段嘗試報讀貴校,均未如願取錄。(先前曾親手送上三封信給校長,可惜迄今未有回音,所以特別再致函校長)現特來函,期盼面提教晦,賜予機會,與小兒/ 小女進行面試,以便校長閣下能對他/ 她有更深刻認識。
本人一直對貴校之辦學方針推崇備至,既著重學生的學業,又兼顧學生在課餘的發展,對德育培訓亦重視有加。本人曾多次在公眾場合遇上貴校學生,他們均表現得謙遜有禮,面上更是充滿好比陽光燦爛般笑容。校長閣下與一眾教職員對教育事業俱有滿腔熱誠,作育英材,實為社會之幸。若小兒/ 小女有幸獲閣下惜才,到貴校接受教育,這對小兒之成長實在有莫大益處。
小兒/ 小女資質實屬不差,勸奮主動,若能獲得校長及貴校老師啟蒙,定必能造出顯著成就。在學業方面,小兒/ 小女尤其喜愛中、英文書法環節;另一方面,小兒/ 小女亦屬生性好動的孩子,熱愛足球及舞蹈,曾多次出外參與表演,在課外活動方面亦參加了英語唱遊及珠心算。若小兒/ 小女能有幸入讀貴校,小兒/ 小女在這方面的潛能定能得到悉心栽培及發揮。
本人誠懇希望校長大人能賜與小兒/ 小女機會和支持。隨函附上小兒/ 小女之成績表、歷年獲頒之獎狀及幼稚園校長對小兒/ 小女之推薦信副本,敬希卓裁。若有任何遺漏,煩請閣下致電XXXXXXXX與本人聯絡。
自參觀貴校開放日後,本人被貴校學生們那活潑可愛、互相參與的精神所吸引。為了能更瞭解貴校,在這年多的時間裡,本人曾向貴校的家教會成員及家長們作出深入瞭解,知道貴校對培育學生各方面的發展不為餘力,其中以德育方面更獲高度評價。在本年九月小兒/ 小女XXXX參觀貴校時,他/ 她對貴校環境、設施和老師們和藹可親的態度非常喜愛。經過與小兒/ 小女相討後,我們一致決定向貴校遞交小一入學申請表,可惜在抽籤中未被抽到,故現致函校長大人,懇請能給與小兒/ 小女為後補生的機會。我們深切希望小兒/ 小女有機會接受貴校的優質教育,成為貴校的一份子,渡過一個快樂的校園生活。
您好!首先多謝校長閣下去年十二月中來電,回覆小兒/ 小女申請後補生之信件。時間過得很快,小一派位結果公佈日期將近,作為家長心情亦非常緊張。回想年初小兒/ 小女XXXX為了將會成為小學生,主動要求裝備自己,如減少午睡及遊戲等時間,並積極溫習功課及學習如何分配時間,作為家長真是感到非常安慰;只可惜現今派位制度所限,我們除了在小兒/ 小女裝備自己的過程中給與指導和協助外,對於派位結果真感到無能為力。我們確信有良好的小學教育,將會為日後升學打好基礎,因此我們將揀選與小兒/ 小女性格配合的小學為首要的目標。但小兒/ 小女於六月XX日派位公佈後,未能成功派往貴校就學。因此,現懇請校長大人能賜與小兒/ 小女一個小一學位,希望小兒/ 小女有機會接受貴校的優質教育,成為貴校的一份子,渡過一個快樂的校園生活。唐突之處,敬請見諒!
隨函附上小兒/ 小女XXXX之履歷表以供參考。
素聞 貴校校風淳樸,辦學嚴謹,懷作育英才之抱負,致力推動德智體群四育,學生表現出類拔萃,在社會及學界備受稱譽,本人十分欽佩。
上月適值 貴校開放日,本人偕小兒/ 小女XXXX到校參觀,深感貴校學生知書達禮,才藝兼備,教師教導有方,乃一秉持崇高教學理念之優良學府。小兒/ 小女將於明年九月升讀小學,本人冀盼小兒/ 小女能入讀 貴校,接受全人教育。小兒/ 小女年幼時已參加XXXX幼稚園舉辦之學前輔導課程,得以增進知識,培養自信及合群性格。小兒/ 小女聰敏好學,對語言、藝術尤具天分,學業成績一直名列前茅。 貴校一向重發展多元教學,培訓學生兩文三語能力;跨學科教學更充分發展學生潛能。倘若小兒/ 小女有幸在 貴校接受啟蒙訓練,定必獲益良多。
本人認同子女之成長發展,有賴家長與學校攜手合作。知悉貴校早年已成立家長會,如小兒/ 小女獲 貴校取錄,本人樂意參與家校活動,與學校共同肩負孩子成長發展之責任。
隨函附上小兒/ 小女就讀幼稚園之成績單及個人資料,懇請察閱。如蒙 貴校給予入讀機會,小兒/ 小女定當勤奮向學,謹遵校長與老師之諄諄教誨,日後貢獻社會,為 貴校爭光,以報悉心栽培之恩。
一直以來,本人十分敬佩貴校在教育社會楝樑方面的成就。 貴校的學生往往給人一種謙遜、乖巧的感覺。上次幸與小兒/ 小女(名字)參觀 貴校開放日時,學生們知書識禮的表現令人印象深刻。同時,本人亦非常認同 貴校採取全方位學習法,透過不同的主題及活動擴闊學生的知識領域。 貴校堅持以學生為本的宗旨,不斷研究引入有效的教學法,並盡力發揮發生潛能,一直讓本人嚮往不已。
小兒/ 小女將於明年的九月展開人生的另一階段的學習歷程。在眾多學校中,本人與小兒/ 小女均視 貴校為首選。為了配合 貴校學生的發展方面,小兒/ 小女女自幼便選讀一些優質的課程以增廣見聞,從而亦培養他/ 她的自信心和合群性。小兒/ 小女個性活潑,本身也具備不錯的語言天份,她喜歡閱讀,尤其是英文和科學類的書籍。
我深信小兒/ 小女的特質和潛能如果能夠與優質的教育結合起來,將為 貴校帶來相得益彰的效果。希望 貴校能撥冗面試小兒/ 小女入讀 貴校的資格,讓他/ 她有機會度過一個充實快樂的小學生活。
敬祝 教安

