i cry when i see this!
its holy a shit!
why the people can do this to the animal!
they have feeling too!they will feel pain!
why dont you just kill?
but you dont you get some of their part of body then just let them go!
dont you ever think about if that were you or some of your family members will you do this to them?
if somebody just cut one of your leg or hand,or even though your meat,but you cant die,you just walk away on the road like a zombie then everyone just keep laughing on you,will you feel pain?will you feel shy?will you feel hurt?will you be proud of yourself then scream to everyone you know"hey!i just get cut by a cook!but i cant die!see!i cant die!"
will you?
everybody!just think about ourselves!you may think the Sashimi is great but its all come from a million fish from the sea,thats our friends!if they all disappear in the world,may be some of you wont care about this,but everything need a Balance,we cant lost anything on this planet,no one should be forgot by anyone!