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[免費試用] Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)

原帖由Olivia_hohk於2010-4-13 10:08 發表Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)圖片1
有冇sis 知道佢地cs hotline tel.or e_mail有想投訴佢地丫

昨晚我同我個fd 去度tst lc sisley 個counter ,有兩個ba,一個ba 同熟客傾計兼買野,仲講解點用,另一個ba 冇所事事,見到我同個fd 手拎住coupon 就即時sell ...
i am sorry to hear this..yesterday i went to tst lc counter too..but maybe there is no customer there so i don't need to wait and were able to exchange samples immediately....


原帖由Olivia_hohk於2010-4-13 10:28 發表Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)圖片2
我唔係唔開心丫,只不過我覺得佢地工作效率十分有問題囉,個肥client只係睇,想買與唔買之間,有成6位sis 等你sell 完之後先可以換sample , 個6位呢換sample 人地試過好會返呢買,但係你要人地等你成45mins 先換到,就算係好野都未悌同你買囉,咁既services 態...
i support you to file a complaint..coz i really wouldn't wait 45 min for 4 samples ar...
the ba's attitude is really bad


原帖由smartbunni於2010-4-13 11:01 發表Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)圖片3

i support you to file a complaint..coz i really wouldn't wait 45 min for 4 samples ar...
the ba's attitude is really bad
Otherwise the BA must think i have nothing to do and cheap that is why willing to spend 45 mins for 4 samples.


原帖由smartbunni於2010-4-13 10:59 發表Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)圖片4

i am sorry to hear this..yesterday i went to tst lc counter too..but maybe there is no customer there so i don't need to wait and were able to exchange samples immediately....
are u going to exchange sample on lunch hour
If the good post, please give me sum sum, don't only say any thank you or THX,Olivia


原帖由Olivia_hohk於2010-4-13 11:10 發表Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)圖片5

are u going to exchange sample on lunch hour
sometimes i do...usually less people


原帖由penguin8於2010-4-13 11:06 發表Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)圖片6

Otherwise the BA must think i have nothing to do and cheap that is why willing to spend 45 mins for 4 samples.
I don't think it is cheap to want sample.It is an opportunity for us to actually try out what the brand is...I think as customers..we do deserve the right to try it out before buying it home...Even if we don't buy it...it doesn't give them a right to treat us badly or humiliate us...hate this kind of BA.

Cheer up and I support you to complain to Sisley ga!


回覆34# smartbunni 的帖子

you are right but the bas there dont think so!they only treat us nicely thinking we might purchase one thing or two..but of course there are still exceptions gei..cheers