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[免費試用] Sisley - Exclusive offer fr Lane Carwford - free sample(至10年4月30日)

回覆21# Olivia_hohk 的帖子

ohsame case here,i arrived around 7.15pm....but i no wait...as so difficult to walk around LC for several rounds...but i walk pass 2-3 times,still see BA selling ctm or already hv sis sit here to wait...finally,go to dinner at Dan Ryan,when i finished the dinner,LC already closed lu


回覆21# Olivia_hohk 的帖子

dun be unhappy..give u sum sum la~


回覆22# YYBB 的帖子

昨冕咪我同個fd 坐係度囉...仲有兩位sis 企咗係度tim,之後仲呢多兩位sis ,不過個兩位sis 等咗幾分鐘之後就走咗,連埋我同個fd total 有6位sis 換sample 丫


回覆24# Olivia_hohk 的帖子

i think BA just dun want give us sample...sometimes,even they sell over 15mins ar...i also see that kind of woman buy nothing and gone

As i go alone...thus i no mood to wait ar,if i go with fd,i will play around the counter and try the pdt i like...as BA no time to stop me ma,wahaha


回覆23# YYBB 的帖子

我唔係唔開心丫,只不過我覺得佢地工作效率十分有問題囉,個肥client只係睇,想買與唔買之間,有成6位sis 等你sell 完之後先可以換sample , 個6位呢換sample 人地試過好會返呢買,但係你要人地等你成45mins 先換到,就算係好野都未悌同你買囉,咁既services 態度,為了做一個business 而得失6個客,anyway 我點都要投訴tst lcsisley counter 服務態度,要話返比佢地公司知道,佢地個counter 人手不足,唔好等佢地員工講夠人手丫

[ 本帖最後由 Olivia_hohk 於 2010-4-13 10:32 編輯 ]


pp lc 既ba 超nice呀
唔hard sell,好細心咁教點用


I wont waste 45 mins to take 4 samples. They just indirectly tell you they dont want to give. So cheap!