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[吹水閒聊] English Chatroom

回復56# icycheng 的帖子

This type of game should be played by the kids,probably at the age below 10,not for teenages la!


Thanksgiving is coming!Any event in your area?Welcome to share!


回復57# poalan1的帖子

my cousin and his friend are only 9~
that's because they want to go to "trick or treat"but their parent are too busy~
I'm the only one have time and car~~~


回復58# poalan1的帖子

In Virgina~all the store are closed before 6:00PM...........
no fun at all...........super boring~~

I'm took a bus to NY this morning~designed to get some seafood~
and we are going to have a BBQ party~~^^~~
luckily we have a huge backyard~~haha~~

[ 本帖最後由 icycheng 於 2008-11-24 23:23 編輯 ]


回復60# icycheng 的帖子

What type of foods that you bought for the BBQ?I only like to grill the prawn +eel and prefer to steam if the seafoods are fresh enough!

Meanwhile,if you have planted some vegetable in your back yard???


回復61# poalan1的帖子

I bought like........10lobsters..........==|||
and some clam~spiral shells~something like that..........
shrimp and fish too for sure~lot of stuff~
not only seafood~we also had some veg.
like~my favor~broccoli!!!!!^^~

all you can see is glass in my backyard~~haha~~~


回復62# icycheng 的帖子

I think the live lobster,oyster,clam and crab would be available at New York but wonder if the live fishes and shrimp can be bought in the market or not.

Meanwhile,I like to use broccili in mixing with the cream to make the soup!Yummy!!

Do you cut the grass at the backyard by yourself or employ some company to do it periodically?

