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[吹水閒聊] English Chatroom

回復34# joan_minako 的帖子

I suppose to be a junior this year~but I left school on my freshman year~
I used to studied engineering~
I'm thinking about going back to school next year for my sophomore year~


回復36# icycheng 的帖子

oh right,that's the word,sophomore
what do you mean by leaving school?
do you mean after your first year,you didn't continue your study or something else?


回復35# icycheng 的帖子

in fact,I don't need latin to learn other western languages,because that will only mix my other languges up (e.g.I mix my french and spanish together already....sometimes with japanese too )

but latin is for me to know the legal words easier,haha


回復37# joan_minako 的帖子

I was decided to come back HK to continue my study~I even applied for school already~
unfortunately for so reason~I couldn't.............>.<
so I decided to take a year off before going back to school~
of cause I won't going back to the same school~
it's a really big embarrassment~~~~~~~~ha~


回復39# icycheng 的帖子

so you are going to study again next academic year,right?


yup~~I think so~~~~~~~
I'm gonna change my major~haha~
I still have time anyway


where are all the people????????????
how come it looks like only me and joan_minako????????????????
don't hide yourselves~come and chat~