標籤: SELL@股票、地產討論區的相關資料


12月3日,周一。恒生指數升14.81,收28658.42;成交1107.99多億元。期指低水,跌276點,收28604點。TOM(2383)升23%,成0.74元,係2000年3月以來最大升幅;瑞安房地產(272)升2.9%,見9.88元。  David Webb一年一度聖誕推介,去年係順龍控股(361),成績便好差,去年12月4日至今恒生 ...


沽清手上所有股票,離場觀望先。 Money is King!!! SELL 3933@ 4.69 SELL 0656@ 12.62

Will mainland chinese SELL A shares to buy H shares?

Has china A shares reached top? US recession in 2008is very likely,how it will affect china economy? Maybe Chinese govenment can hold market up until the olympic, and US can hold it up until the election. I will start saving so ...