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[英語] 「不,但對,但不」列幽默金句

他們的言行未必人人認同,但都留下了令人莞爾的金句。新出版的《牛津幽默語錄辭典》第四版,由去年逝世的英國笑匠謝林(Ned Sherrin )輯錄5,000多句精警英語語錄,包括不少名人金句,電視劇角色的「無厘頭」口頭禪也收錄在內。英國《每日郵報》

‧In 1969I gave up women and alcohol.It was the worst 20minutes of my life.—George Best

‧I'm proud of George.He's learned a lot about ranching since that firstyear when he tried to mike the horse.What's worse,it was a malehorse.—Laura Bush

‧I'm of the pie-eaters'liberation front.I'm fat and proud to be fat.—Boris Johnson

‧I feel that life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable.—Woody Allen

‧No but yeah but no —Vicky Pollard
 「不,但對,但不。」英國廣播公司電視劇《Little Britain 》角色波拉德

