冇pm過o個位同你交易既sis aaaaa,
at first wanna tell her and change it back ga,when i only know have ove exp samples.but is only $1X (for these two products),so suen ....
but when i tried the fake cleansing oil....i think she is too smart and she wont to change for me !!Exp date u can said dun know,but fake products wont dun know la....
i think the products was took by herself la,cause even any new post,she usually reply and tell us she got it or which shops ba treat her in unfair,i remember the origins pomotion (exchange)she said she cant got 5ml in 1 shop and then call to other shop,at last she go back to take back all bottles and went to other shop ....i think is it too powerful aaaa!!how come can do it ?