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[資訊分享] LG 親自回收iPhone 設計,新機Opt Big 串爆蘋果!

身為iPhone 設計始祖既LG (關鍵機:LG PRADA 2006年發佈)

LG 親自回收iPhone 設計,新機Opt Big 串爆蘋果!圖片1

LG Optimus Big 搭配4.3吋特大螢幕,採用1GHz 雙核處理器,用上號稱全球最光亮的NOAV顯示面板,內建500萬像素自動對焦相機,有16GB 儲存容量,並支援藍牙3.0、WiFi 802.11 b/g/n 等功能,1500mAh電池,使用Android 2.2 系統,有黑白兩種顏色。

LG Optimus Big 是韓國電訊商LG U+的定製版本,預計4月28日正式在韓國發售。至於會否有變種版在其他地區上市,就不得而知了。

2007年的iPHONE 激似2006年發佈的LG PRADA

LG 親自回收iPhone 設計,新機Opt Big 串爆蘋果!圖片2
LG 親自回收iPhone 設計,新機Opt Big 串爆蘋果!圖片3
LG 親自回收iPhone 設計,新機Opt Big 串爆蘋果!圖片4
LG 親自回收iPhone 設計,新機Opt Big 串爆蘋果!圖片5

For the first time the world learned about existence of LG PRADA in December 2006,that is when the world public was told that LG together with the PRADA were developing stylish mobile phone….

Then just a month after a year of rumours,the Apple company presented iPhone mobile phone,which was very similar to an earlier LGPRADA.Anyone can see that both phone have something in common,though it is difficult to say if someone was coping others developments or it is just a coincidence.

