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[綜合優惠] bioxil免費護膚體驗裝及$100購物折扣優惠(至10年8月31日)

之前拎過呢個牌子的產品,,ba好hard sell


I took it at Cameron Road Watson's. The male BA was no hard sell at all. He just asked me to fill in a form and then gave me the sample.


yes,the male didn't hard sell at all and nothing to do.
before i go to the counter,he was chatting on the phone.after i took the sample,he then keep on chatting on the phone,haha
原帖由chyjanet於2010-8-14 23:16 發表bioxil免費護膚體驗裝及$100購物折扣優惠(至10年8月31日)圖片1
I took it at Cameron Road Watson's.The male BA was no hard sell at all.He just asked me to fill in a form and then gave me the sample.

