著數優惠交流網 » 美容化妝優惠 » 恒生推薦登記電郵:可獲贈LANCOME優惠券(至10年12月31日)
原帖由FrozenGirl於2010-6-12 10:39 發表 Atuall,I got from email.It is different from this pic.
原帖由yeeyeeyeah於2010-6-12 10:45 發表 因為要入去恆生個網,登記左以後唔要郵寄,轉用e-mail寄野比你 至會比張coupon,如果就咁e-mail 係唔可以換架
原帖由FrozenGirl於2010-6-12 10:39 發表 Atuall,I got from email.It is different from this pic. This pic is from an e-coupon. The http information at the bottom is this e-coupon is like thismy printer prints like this) https://www.hangsen...
原帖由wonderful於2010-6-11 21:35 發表 TST SOGO..ask to have header and footer.. and the sales are too bad X100 我要轉述佢ge說話.. "我地要有尼d架wor..(指住d header 同footer) 你第一次咁入去就有..第二次就無架la.." d人真係..好串..好無禮貌.....