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[免費試用] 憑任何護膚品塑膠容器可換取Origins白茶美肌產品試用裝(10年4月16-22日)

回覆252# cshohk 的帖子

thx for yr info.,give sum sum sin...aiya,i want try FW tonite ga wor,now no la


回覆251# nicole619 的帖子

u r more lucky than me la...i go TST LC G.A.buy foundation,then want go Faces redeem ga,but sis said there're only cleanser,thus i try citysuper la.When i arrived counter,2 BAs selling ctm,another 2 just talking...maybe she see my LC shopping bags,she walk to me and sell the new pdt spf cream...then i ask what can redeem for used bottles la,BA sharply change face,but still reply serum &cream.I just take 5pcs sample bottles for exchange...but 2 of them are mTm spf50 cream,as mtm is so plain in sample bottles...no mention this is for face use.BA checked 1 by 1 very carefully....very carefully and repeat repeat double check....just 5 bottles checked for 5 minsthen i ask BA any problem....she said my mtm maybe body ...she thinking give me or not...as i will not bargain with BA as shy...then i said never mind,just give me another 3 is OK la.BA then give me 3pcs sample..........but they are cleanser,serum and firming cream.I ask not all 3 serum?BA said just no much stk there,thus give me different samples for try wor~~~~

[ 本帖最後由 YYBB 於 2010-4-21 09:39 編輯 ]


叫我keep番d bottles


早知就早d去換啦,估唔到咁快no stock,而家一個都換唔到=.=


昨日去mk換,個ba全部比哂去角質sample 咋


我仲未去換x 2


go facebook see see sin,but i see many sis ask question....origins no much reply wor