原帖由2010s於2010-1-26 15:55 發表
i am so unhappy...
this member ''lines''and 2010s (she have 2 a/c)
忽然send me this pm,i only send her (member ''2010s'')one message about :
''does she know 中環ba said when番貨only,thanks........thanks''
she reply my pm
but she use other a/c member ''lines''reply -->你嘅shit:Central no stock,ba have said when番貨?because I am shau kei wan mtr to,
嘩!快D去死la臭化西.pm 嚟問有冇?重咁多tim.要我嘥time to see and reply?????白痴垃圾西.你傻到.I may 公開
本帖最後由 suedie 於 2010-1-28 06:05 編輯 ]