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absolutely true....
I went there on last Sat,they said there's no more stock left - i was disappointed but then they asked me whether I would like to try some...I said yes.I didnt buy anything at last,and the BA just turned black face and give me a super fake smile - those like you can imagine with the most unsincere STIFF face!Personally,I love benefit cosmetic,I am a great fan of the shop for a couple of years now.However,at that moment - I promise myself that I will never ever visit the benefit in CWB ever again unless ppl told me that they changed all their staff there.

I am not asking for unreasonably high standard of service - since well,we are just getting sample.But c'mon!I am still a customers!I shall not be treated in that way - am I?


我覺得benefit o既BA好唔professional,班女仔成日掛住O係度傾計,見到人換SAMPLES就面黑,我未試過o係佢地度換到samples,black list左呢間野,唔會再去換sample,亦都唔會去買野!