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[免費試用] H2O Free Sample 7ml - 直接print 就得啦(至10月31日)

但之後我拎print out registed 0個張係other 店換到...~


terrible experience in shatin,my fd get there wait 5 mins,give u water,then talking ```some bullshit ```then still no action,sell left sell right.....sell sell sell then my fd ask for take sample as hurry to dinner,BA with black suit ask her to do test sin,but the said test machine not available,then ask my fd wait 15-20mins.My fd call me as i waiting her @Zara.....finally when i get there,my fd still sitting in corner.Already waste 20mins la,and i see another sister black face (sell by another BA)...wa,so terrible environment ar.Black suit BA insist ask my fd need do test sin,i suggested my fd leave and give up the sample.As i will NOT stay there to wait with her....too wating time la!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 YYBB 於 2009-10-23 11:21 編輯 ]


係啊~h2o好hard sell 架,sis攞sample 時要有心理準備


去左德福拎,個ba ok wow,sell左5分鐘左右,我話試下先,跟住佢俾左sample我就走得lu


我去mk換時,一個OK NICE 的BA 同我做SKINTAST 中,竟然有另一個BA 過來同我講你好"面善"喎,我心諗你即是話我成日來囉你D 野啦,~~真系要串下佢,你咁勁,我只是來過你mk H2O兩次咁大把,你都記得~~果然見人過目不忘。


好hardsell ar...係咁sell "Be+collagen 丸"...

SELL 我二千幾元"Be+collagen 丸".....後來她就話可以試一個月先...千幾蚊...又SELL $98 SET

本來我都心郁郁想俾低$1619.7 買一個月"Be+collagen 丸"


本來她無俾SAMPLE 我...我就坐係度...她先俾JA.....洗面GEL08年的


原帖由YYBB於2009-10-23 11:20 發表H2O Free Sample 7ml - 直接print 就得啦(至10月31日)圖片1
terrible experience in shatin,my fd get there wait 5 mins,give u water,then talking ```some bullshit ```then still no action,sell left sell right.....sell sell sell then my fd ask for take sample as h ...
Finally,your friend can get the sample or just left?