著數優惠交流網 » 美容化妝優惠 » SOGO Benefit Free make-up and sample(至11月1日)
原帖由candyseiren於2009-10-23 20:30 發表 我聽日去啦!仲係同個FD一齊去tim,如果佢化左等於無化仲好啦!夠哂自然呀!唔夠3分鐘仲好呀!唔好左住我去換其他sample呀!我仲要同個女去換糖0家麻!
原帖由wcry於2009-10-24 14:58 發表 Hey I checked out in CWB sogo today and they run out of stock.That's okat but the attitude of the staff there are really poor....Not even helpful!what a shame!!!
原帖由penguin8於2009-10-24 22:56 發表 Run out of stock???What about those already make appointment???
原帖由yk8ky於2009-10-24 15:02 發表 有壞去換糖?
原帖由suedie於2009-10-25 07:57 發表 ........i booking already,but is that no stocks....?if yes,i will not go sogo la........