I was not interested in the bags selling there,thus I didn't give much attention on them,but I agree the style is not so good (some seem quite fine,but I didn't notice the price)
However,I do think you may find good shoes there if you go earlier (as all are out-of-size with just a few or even 1 only for each design and/or size.I found 1 flat shoes which is just below $100 and quite fine,but size35 is the one and only one,too small >.<),especially ankle boots. I bought 1 ankle boots for about $3,000 (70%discounted). I think it's quite worthy in term of quality and the brand. It's expensive or not don't just count on the $price,after all,the original price is really expensive.
Warehouse with such big discount on those brands,I don't expect the style is new. Anyway I always like those not very fashionable but can last long. Those very fashionable don't worth it even with big big discount. Well-known brands'designs often suit my taste since they have classic beside fashionable.
I didn't see sunglasses,maybe I didn't notice...excuse me...