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[免費試用] YSL Mascara Singulier 眼部啫喱試用裝(至10月11日)

回覆6# penguin8 的帖子

harbour city tst lc 換ga~~
個ba young 好nice好笑容ga~~~仲好主動
唔知有冇sis 係其他ysl counter 成功換到


i went to PP LC today at around 1:45pm..ba has good smile but tell me already no stock la wor...i said today is the first day..and she said there is limited quota for everyday and she asked me to try back later


原帖由smartbunni於2009-9-14 14:28 發表YSL Mascara Singulier 眼部啫喱試用裝(至10月11日)圖片1
i went to PP LC today at around 1:45pm..ba has good smile but tell me already no stock la wor...i said today is the first day..and she said there is limited quota for everyday and she asked me to try ...
ARE THEY CRAZY!!!First day already NO STOCK. I dont believe it. LIAR!!!


原帖由smartbunni於2009-9-14 14:28 發表YSL Mascara Singulier 眼部啫喱試用裝(至10月11日)圖片2
i went to PP LC today at around 1:45pm..ba has good smile but tell me already no stock la wor...i said today is the first day..and she said there is limited quota for everyday and she asked me to try ...
100%d ba 落格...如果sis 係pp換唔到要去其他counter 換丫......費事比佢地玩.....仲要打電話去compliant pp ysl d ba
If the good post, please give me sum sum, don't only say any thank you or THX,Olivia


我今日響harbour city lc 換左,ba 問我tel no.,佢check 完之後,就叫我填form (名,tel no.,email address, etc.),因為之前未換過呢間野d sample,所以佢check 唔到有record,咁我填完之後就畀個sample 我啦..


咁睇黎應該每日quota 得好少wo!!!

