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[綜合優惠] free sample @Harvey Nicoles - Dior,estee lauder,...(至8月12日)

回覆145# ada_pmlo 的帖子

hsbc hn card 唔等於hn beauty card
你最好打電話問去hn cs 問清楚,我唔係度潑你冷水,而係想你問清楚,唔想你白行一躺,空歡喜一場
你可以參閱覽#123 hn beauty counter tel.或hn cs tel:3695-3388我上次收到cosmo.send 呢e_mail 我都係問清楚ga~~要點做ga~~
ps el 冇得換sample


原帖由candyseiren於2009-7-29 01:50 發表free sample @Harvey Nicoles - Dior,estee lauder,...(至8月12日)圖片1
雪花秀唔俾我換呀,佢話要有hn card先俾喎!我話係cosmo sd俾我,佢都係唔俾,佢話係hn promo,所以只有hn member先換得,兩個人去換,得一份,estee你無去換咩?estee都無貨喎!其他既全部都無問我攞hn card,好順利換到哂,係...

都唔得,你叫個ba打去hn hotmail 搵ms.priscilla lee
你話問過佢,print 返cosmo 個e-mail heading就可以換


原帖由candyseiren於2009-7-29 01:50 發表free sample @Harvey Nicoles - Dior,estee lauder,...(至8月12日)圖片2
雪花秀唔俾我換呀,佢話要有hn card先俾喎!我話係cosmo sd俾我,佢都係唔俾,佢話係hn promo,所以只有hn member先換得,兩個人去換,得一份,estee你無去換咩?estee都無貨喎!其他既全部都無問我攞hn card,好順利換到哂,係...
yes ar,I've HN card and redeem last night la,
so cheap,just 3 small bags chi ma
1 cleansing Oil,1 cleansing foam and 1 cream.............the cream is for MEN,not for me ar,wasting my time


原帖由YYBB於2009-7-29 14:38 發表free sample @Harvey Nicoles - Dior,estee lauder,...(至8月12日)圖片3

yes ar,I've HN card and redeem last night la,
so cheap,just 3 small bags chi ma
1 cleansing Oil,1 cleansing foam and 1 cream.............the cream is for MEN,not for me ar,wasting my time
.....they gave less to you la...
should be have extra 2 small bottles of men's products....


回覆151# Chee 的帖子

i also wonder that BA cheat me ga la
why so little sample,but the coupon no said give me what,so i dun argue with her la,,,,3 small bags without any bottle....too bad,cheat me


原帖由YYBB於2009-7-30 17:53 發表free sample @Harvey Nicoles - Dior,estee lauder,...(至8月12日)圖片4
i also wonder that BA cheat me ga la
why so little sample,but the coupon no said give me what,so i dun argue with her la,,,,3 small bags without any bottle....too bad,cheat me
sister,you can have a look in page 11 and post #101...on the last pic,you can see the two small dark bottles on the left hand side,those are the men's samples of 雪花秀.


回覆153# Chee 的帖子

oh yes wor,exactly cheat me 2 bottles ar...this time just blame myself cannot remember Candy's share,if i remember i can ask immediately...