原帖由suki_ho於2009-6-14 00:26 發表
yes,try more times to redeem samples then you will "勇敢d"to face those bad ba....

I used to very shy to redeem samples,if met bad ba....just leave without any action....

right now if ba shows bad face to me,I will also show bad face to them....
haha,believe it or not,they will "change faces"so fast and become more polite to you....

last time a ba lied to me,I went to complain her directly,then the other sisters said they experienced that counter very good later!(although not sure boz of me or not,at least no one have same experienced after me )

Remember we are customers or potential customers,no the beggars....they should treat us good or at least no bad!.....
本帖最後由 Chee 於 2009-6-15 13:11 編輯 ]