FuRLA are having Showroom sample sale on Nov 20and 21,08.They cordially invite you and your friends to their exclusive Private Sample Sale.Come and take advantage of extraordinarily great prices on a selection of Handbags,Small Leather Goods,Shoes and Accessories (Jewelries,Watches,Key chains,Belts,Scarves,Umbrellas and Sunglasses)for your Christmas shopping!
The details are as follows:
Nov 20,2008 (Thursday) 11am V 7:30pm
Nov 21,2008 (Friday) 11am V 2:30pm &4pm V 7:30pm
Address: Room 2808,28/F Windsor House,311Gloucester Road,Causeway Bay ,Hong Kong
Method of Payment:Visa &Master cards are welcome for purchase over HK$500.00,for amount under only cash will be accepted.
Please come and join this exclusive Sale and select gifts for Christmas for you and your family!