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[英語] 實用英語話你知:Audacity (大膽)

隨立法會選舉結束,多位議員要求政府對梁展文事件進行聆訊。梁氏在制定政府房屋和規劃政策時被指與兩家公司有利益輸送而陷入爭議,後來加入一家公司工作,他大膽得很難令人相信。What is hard to swallow is his audacity in taking up employment with one of two companies that ensnared him in controversy while he was directing the government’s housing and planning policy。當美國民主黨候選人奧巴馬去年二月宣佈參選總統選舉時,他承認宣佈參選可能有一點自以為是,也可能有些大膽I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness,a certain audacity,to this announcement。
Audacity 是「大膽」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:He had the audacity to say I was too fat 是「他說我太肥胖,真大膽」,I was shocked at the audacity of the gangsters是「我對歹徒那麼大膽十分驚訝」。

