上星期,面對信貸危機惡化,美國政府再推出三十年代以來最大規模的救市措施。行動的目的是恢復市場的信心和舒緩銀行的流動資金壓力。The move was aimed at restoring faith in the markets and relieving liquidity pressure on banks。中國方面,財政部宣佈把購買內地上市股票的0.1%稅項取銷。由於分析家曾說如果沒有政府支持,股市將進一步下跌,所以此舉鼓勵市民入貨和恢復投資者信心。The move is aimed at encouraging the purchase of stocks and restoring investor confidence,as analysts said the market was set to drop further without government support。
Restore是「恢復」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:He had his vision restored by surgical operation是「外科手術使他恢復了視力」,After a week in bed she was fully restored to health是「她?床一週後,完全恢愎了健康」。