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Bush says financial rescue plan will be passed
President says lawmakers have differences but agree on need for action
By Ruth Mantell,Greg Robb &Robert Schroeder,MarketWatch
Last update:9:55a.m.EDT Sept.26,2008Comments:21WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)--President Bush said Friday that his administration and lawmakers will complete a rescue plan for the nation's battered financial markets despite simmering differences between congressional Republicans and Democrats over the $700billion package.
"We are going to get a package passed,"Bush said in a short statement at the White House.He said House Republicans who are seeking a different version of the plan have a right to be heard,but stressed that there is "no disagreement that something substantial needs to be done."
Bush's statement comes as efforts to approve the rescue for credit markets appeared to be collapsing Friday morning in the wake of the largest bank failure in U.S.history.
In rapid succession over the previous 16hours a White House meeting to achieve political consensus on a bailout plan failed;House Republicans presented an alternative bailout plan;Washington Mutual (WM:Washington Mutual Inc

9:38am 09/26/2008

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WM 0.03,-1.66,-98.2%)was seized and sold to J.P.Morgan Chase (JPM:JPMorgan Chase &Co

9:57am 09/26/2008

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JPM 43.19,-0.27,-0.6%),and U.S.politicians fell to public squabbling and finger pointing.
Wall Street fell sharply at the start of trading.See Market Snapshot.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a TV interview that any bailout plan now depends on Republicans in the House of Representatives supporting the plan.
Sen.Chris Dodd,D-Conn.,chairman of the banking committee,said President Bush must bring House Republicans back to the talks,and that meetings would resume on Friday.A White House spokesman said there will be lots of meetings,phone calls and other activity Friday.
Carl Weinberg,chief economist with High Frequency Economics,wrote that frustration levels are high.
"Negotiations are now back to square one,or nearly so,according to some members of Congress,"Weinberg wrote."We are optimistic --make that hopeful --that someone will figure out how to save the banking system from having to value its tainted assets at zero next Wednesday...but this is now squarely in the hands of politicians."
Dodd said a deal could still be reached,but that Senate Democrats will balk at the Paulson plan --proposed by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson --if they are aware House Republicans aren't participating.
"We're getting there,"Dodd said."Let this be a clear warning:The president and his party have got to decide whether they want to be a part of this."
Friday morning,Sen.Richard Shelby,R-Ala.,ranking member of the banking committee,said during a television interview:"I hope that we will not adopt the Paulson plan."
Need for speed
The White House has lobbied hard this week for speedy enactment of the plan.
Bush used a television address Wednesday night to make his case for the plan,warning Americans that the economy is in grave danger if it isn't approved.
And Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke have repeatedly made the case for speedy enactment as a way of enabling financial institutions to begin offloading illiquid assets.
But key members of Congress have been concerned about pushing through a plan that puts taxpayers at risk and does too little to address the root causes of the economic slowdown.
A Thursday meeting at the White House blew up in acrimony,sending Republicans and Democrats back to their corners to regroup and decide how to proceed.
House Republicans refused a Democratic demand to come back to the table,and talks ended for the night.The impasse led House Democrats to insist that they will not bring Paulson's plan to a vote without Republican support.
But there's also clearly political calculus at work,with a presidential election looming and incumbents keen to recess Congress to go campaign themselves.
"If House Republicans continue to reject the President's approach,there will be no bill,"said Rep.Barney Frank,chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.


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Final rescue plan expected Sunday
Deal to provide $250billion upfrontelosi cites 'significant bipartisan work'
By Ruth Mantell,MarketWatch
Last update:10:28a.m.EDT Sept.28,2008Comments:4WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)--U.S.officials expect to announce a final agreement Sunday on the massive rescue plan for the country's financial system,with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office saying "significant bipartisan work has built consensus."
White House spokesman Tony Fratto said the Bush administration and members of Congress will want to see the legislative language Sunday morning once staff completes drafting the agreement.
"We're very pleased with the agreement,"Fratto said."It has taken an extraordinary bipartisan effort."
Fratto said Bush had made a calls Saturday to Republican leaders working on the plan and spoke with Pelosi in the evening.
A draft proposal from Pelosi's office indicates that the agreement won't initially provide the $700billion requested earlier by the Treasury Department,but requires review from lawmakers for future payments.The agreement would authorize $250billion upon date of enactment,with another $100billion upon presidential certification of need,according to a Pelosi aide.The other $350billion would be subject to congressional review.
"If the government loses money,the financial industry will pay back the taxpayers,"the draft proposal says.
The government,as the owner of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities,will work to facilitate loan modifications,aiming to curb foreclosures.
The agreement will also limit compensation for executives at participating companies,and provide for oversight for the plan.
Ruth Mantell is a MarketWatch reporter based in Washington.

