著數優惠交流網 » 閒聊吹水區 » 7月16日-祝GJS 第一位會員賢賢生日快樂吹水天!
原帖由 poalan1 於 2008-7-16 15:43 發表 By the way, I mentioned 3G iphone only!
原帖由 瘋之子 於 2008-7-16 15:44 發表 the problm about avatar i will try to solve asap maybe ill try to change upgrade the disciz version..but just takes time. please wait patiently
原帖由 blueberry 於 2008-7-16 15:56 發表 re: 金魚瘋 我都想capture 比你睇, 跟住就瓜左