著數優惠交流網 » 閒聊吹水區 » 7月9日poalan1伯爺及feng生日快樂!!
原帖由 baby_zoe 於 2008-7-9 08:13 發表 祝poalan1爺爺生日快樂~ 另外我想知feng系唔系瘋呀? anyway~ happy birthday to all of U~
原帖由 GM2007 於 2008-7-9 09:46 發表 你能夠堅守信念,EQ真係好好。呢個係我嘅缺點,咁多年都改唔到。
原帖由 poalan1 於 2008-7-9 09:50 發表 As per the investment combination that you mentioned yesterday, I think you have already well separated your investment. Without in doubt that stock market is high rick, high return.
原帖由 blueberry 於 2008-7-9 09:49 發表 阿烚, 唉!
原帖由 blueberry 於 2008-7-9 09:53 發表 早晨各位, 我係阿8 今日都係唔好亂講野! 費時! 唉! 我覺得個市應該會在調整, 依家水平都未係吸納!