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[資訊分享] 伊朗快艇上周末在赫爾木茲(Hormuz)海峽騷擾美國海軍艦隻

美國國家安全委員會發言人Gordon Johndroe在聲明中表示,美國促請伊朗勿採取任何可能導致危險事件發生的挑釁行動。


Iranian ships 'harass' U.S. Navy, officials say

(CNN) -- The U.S. military reported Monday on a "significant" confrontation involving five Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats that "harassed and provoked" three U.S. naval ships in international waters over the weekend.

伊朗快艇上周末在赫爾木茲(Hormuz)海峽騷擾美國海軍艦隻圖片1The USS Hopper, seen in a file photo, was one of the ships harassed by Iranian boats, officials say.

U.S. military officials said the incident occurred early Sunday morning in the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow shipping channel leading in and out of the Persian Gulf.

The five Iranian ships made "threatening" moves -- in one case coming within 200 yards of a U.S. ship, the U.S. officials said.

In one radio transmission, the Iranians told the U.S. Navy: "I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes," the U.S. military officials told CNN.

When the U.S. ships heard that radio transmission, they took up their gun positions and officers were "in the process" of giving the order to fire when the Iranians abruptly turned away, the U.S. officials said.


原帖由 mju900 於 2008-1-8 01:09 發表 伊朗快艇上周末在赫爾木茲(Hormuz)海峽騷擾美國海軍艦隻圖片2
(CNN) -- The U.S. military reported Monday on a "significant" confrontation involving five Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats that "harassed and provoked" three U.S. naval ships in international waters ...

