標籤: Black@信用卡資訊交流區的相關資料

How many cardholders will divide the DBS Black card 2M miles?

Anyone want to guess? There are 12M cards in issue in HK at end of 2008 There’re 25 card issuers listed on this website.Assuming no duplicates (incorrect assumption but should be more conservative than reality),each issuer (in ...

DBS Black card 換亞洲萬里通要比錢?

頭先上網睇下acct 有幾多分~佢入面原來換asiamile係要收100蚊~~~~但我果時打去熱線問佢話只要填返form 再寄返銀行就可以自動入分.... 大家知道嗎?還是我睇錯呢?! 謝謝