標籤: ELLE@美容化妝交流區的相關資料

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ELLE Magazine (Free to take at Harbour City)

ELLE Magazine (Free to take at Harbour City)- Suisse Programme/ Murad/ Vmv Hypoallergenic

ELLE Magazine (Free to take at Harbour City)- Laneige/ Nestbeauty

ELLE Magazine - Laneige (ALL shops)Strawberry Mask (until 7/31/10) - Nestbeauty (Harvey Nichols)(until 7/31/10)

ELLE五月號尊貴版送限量sonia rykiel tote bag

ELLE五月號尊貴版送限量sonia rykiel tote bag -size 41cm x 37cm x 9cm,可上膊 忍唔住手又買左

ELLE 3月號免費送Biotherm 支裝試用裝

今期嘅ELLE 3月號體驗版($20)好抵呀, 首先隨書送Biotherm 透白精華5ml 一支, 跟住拎埋佢張優惠券去Biotherm 專門店免費換新出base 5ml 一支, 剩係呢2支仔野,都唔只$20蚊啦,剩係base 要$55,再加埋精華.....total:$100+,咩都抵番晒。 仲未睇書入面有 ...

ELLE Magazine (TST Harbour City)- Free sample - Laneige Hydra Solution Essence

ELLE Magazine (January)- Free to take at TST Harbour City customer service counter at every Friday to Sunday.I will upload the photos for your reference later. Sisters,please give me "sum sum"if you like the post.Thank you.

有無人已經買左jessica / ELLE ?知唔知今期有咩換?

有無人已經買左jessica / ELLE ?知唔知今期有咩換?

ELLE &the city 有香水sample 換

今期Harbour City 果本ELLE &the city (尾頁)有kenzo 香水sample 換

ELLE &the city @ TST 海港城 11月份

剛在ELLE 網站中看到今個月有又ELLE &the City 11月份書仔, 但暫未知有什麼sample可換,吾知有冇sis 已拿了書仔呢?

ELLE Magazine - Bvlgari &Salvatore Ferragamo 香水samples (10/2 - 10/31/09)

ELLE Magazine - Bvlgari &Salvatore Ferragamo 香水Free sa,[;es (10/2 - 10/31/09) ***ELLE Magazine (monthly magazine)is free to take at Harbour City customer service counter on every Friday to Sunday.

有冇人中ELLE X BIOTHERM 肌齡逆轉分享會

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