標籤: Buffet@講飲講食交流區的相關資料

 16 12

"買1送1優惠" Enjoy the Italian salad Buffet lunch

the coupon is inside the elle's magazine (April) *can find it from harbour city near the back entry of Faces went with my friends today....wa~very good harbour view.... the special food includes: 生蠔 阿拉斯加長腳蟹 花蟹,帶子 意式 ...


(星島日報 報道)各位Buffet迷有福了!正式回歸的尖沙嘴 凱悅酒店,其全新Cafe採用開放式廚房設計,帶來多款自助餐少有的驚喜菜式。除了中、日、意等數不盡的即製美食選擇,多款「香噴噴」的甜點,更加叫嗜甜的筆者吃不停口。文:KaKa 圖:陳鐵剛、褚樂琪    ...


想問下大家有無Purple的好介紹呢??? thanks!!!!!

邊度tea Buffet is good?

please give me the idea of 邊度tea Buffet is good

Italian Tomato Buffet ~~~8月2日捲土重來(至9月30日)

各位蛋糕迷請留意 Italian Tomato Buffet 將於8月2日捲土重來 地址﹕銅鑼灣波斯富街48號優食橫町3樓 電話﹕2890 9582 分兩個時段6:30pm and 8:15pm (限時1.5小時) 每段時間30個名額 優惠至九月底 不接受電話訂位 只接受當天6時前walk in訂位 仲要俾$100 ...

Mr.Steak Buffet a La Minute早走優惠

Mr.Steak Buffet a La Minute Dinner Buffet Monday - Thursday Original Price Adult/ 成人:$318 Child/ 小童:$208 Leave before 7:15pm Adult/ 成人:$188 Child/ 小童:$125 Friday- Sunday,Public Holiday &Public Holiday Eve Origianl Price ...

Birthday Buffet discount at Cafe Too in Island Shangri-La

Birthday Buffet discount at Cafe Too in Island Shangri-La. Between NOW and August,if you and your friends/family celebrate your age at Cafe Too,you will get the discount of your age!e.g.If you're 20,you'll get 20%discount.If you' ...

香港海濱Lunch Buffet

香港海濱Lunch Buffet 在這裡和大家分享一下...每人花費不過100元!! 正正在ifc對面.

半島酒店The Peninsula Hotel -聖誕及新年lunch,tea同dinner Buffet

THE LOBBY (訂座:23153220) 1.12月20-23日&26日Afternoon Tea 頌唱聖詩:HK Welsh Male Voice Choir (20日),VanNat International Children's Choir (21日),聖保祿中學歌詠團(22日),協恩中學歌詠團(23日),中大學生會學生合唱團(26日) 時間:14:30-16: ...


我看到優惠情報介紹有間餐廳的DINNER Buffet做優惠,3個學生一齊去有2送1優惠,約$150 我的同學嫌貴,唔陪我去,有人有興趣一起吃嗎?(只限女生) 我打算1/12去,有興趣的回覆或PM 我^_^ ...
 16 12