標籤: Visa@美容化妝優惠的相關資料

Citibank I.T Visa Card 客戶尊享Vichy 優惠(至10月31日)

收到Citibank I.T Visa Card 寄黎既邀請卡, 1:免費aqualia thermal rich cream 3ml &uv sample 2:買正價貨滿$580,送4週年限量版精美set 1 份(值$260) 另外:Vichy 專門店4 週年誌慶獨家優惠 a:若信用卡號碼有兩個"4"字或以上,即可獲贈精美鏡盒1 份 ...

Estee Lauder 粉底試用裝5ml 1份for Citibank Visa(至6月10日)

Estee Lauder 粉底試用裝5ml 1份for Citibank Visa 由2009年6月4日至10日 我岩岩收到架咋 唔知各位sis有冇收到呢?

H2O Free Samples - DBS Visa Card (Apr/5 - May/31/09)

The leaflet is attached to the DBS Visa card statement.You can redeem the free samples of H2O by this leaflet after service consultant.See attached photo.

Citibank IT Visa Card送Biotherm 紅海藻淨白精華5ml
