For those who don't know what I mean by credit card surcharges,it refers the ability for merchants to charge surcharges for a customer using credit card surcharges (e.g.2%)compared to using cash.
This is currently against Visa/MC rules in HK and most of the rest of the world.So most merchants in HK include it in the base price of everything,whether we pay for it by cash or otherwise.It is,however,legal in Australia due to Reserve Bank of Australia (Australian monetary authority)regulation which overrode the Visa/MC rules (which are essentially contracts).Furthermore,Visa and MC were forced into a settlement in the US this week which would give US merchants similar rights as Australian merchants
http://www.washingtontime ... titrust-lawsuit,which made me to consider the topic and to wonder what will happen if this would be imposed in HK.
This fee can be levied as a separate component of the price (e.g."tuition fee for semester:A$10,000,2%surcharge for payment by credit card").However there must be a way to get out of it (,Visa Debit),or else it must be included in the price.
As an aside,reward programs are now very poor in Australia compared to HK.Rewards for using Visa are very low - only Amex earns rewards close to HK (generally A$1/mile like DBS Black).All cards have annual fees which can only be waived by other relationship with the card issuer,co-branded card with a professional body.