為慶祝Quiksilver旗下滑浪手Kelly Slater於今年10月3日榮獲第9座ASP世界滑浪冠軍獎盃,Quiksilver將於11月27日起,獨家於祟光百貨(銅鑼灣及尖沙咀店)進行購物滿HK$400(折實價)減HK$200的推廣活動。優惠期至十二月七日,請把握時機,蒞臨祟光百貨銅鑼灣店三樓Quiksilver專櫃享用以上優惠。
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Dear Customer,
To celebrate team-rider Quiksilver surfer Kelly Slater wins unprecedented 9th ASP world championship in this October,Quilsilver will launch a celebration promotion starting from 27th November exclusively in SOGO Causeway Bay store and Tsim Sha Tsui store.With any accumulated purchase of $400(net value),customer can get immediate $200reduction of the total amount.The promotion will last until 7th December,please grasp the chance and visit Quiksilver in 3/F of SOGO Causeway Bay to enjoy the privilege.
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