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[國際] 德國警察擒拿一宗BB於ebay網上賣80p事件

單新聞係英文,因為from 英國telegraph報
一個23歲既德國媽媽因為嫌個baby太嘈,所以放上ebay賣,被一班internet users看見,於是報警。她聲稱只是開玩笑,無意賣走baby,但警方不接受這理由及帶走媽媽作調查。


Police seize baby for sale on eBay for 80p

Police in Germany have taken an 8month-old baby into care after his parents offered him for sale on an internet auction site for 80pence.

The couple,from the south German town of Memmingen,announced the sale on Ebay,offering the boy for sale because "he has become too loud".

A host of internet users alerted the police,who have since opened an investigation into suspected child trafficking.

The auction,which began last week with a starting price of 1euro,was shut down after just two hours with no bids on 8month-old Merlin.

While still online,the auction offer was entitled:"Baby -Pick-up in Person Only."

"I'm offering here my nearly new baby for sale since it's become too loud for me,"the offer read.

"It's a boy around 70centimetres big.You can use it in a baby sling or in a pram!"Merlin's 23year-old mother,Tanja,has insisted that the whole scheme was simply a joke in very poor taste.

"I would never give up my beloved Merlin,"she said in an interview.

"On the contrary.I just did it for a bit of fun,and simply wanted to see whether someone would actually reply to the offer."

Police failed to see the funny side of the auction however,and baby Merlin is now in the custody of regional child care services while the investigation continues.

http://www.telegraph.co.u ... ay-for-80p.html

