發新話題 Report thanks

Beauty of Math!

1x 8+1=9
12x 8+2=98
123x 8+3=987
1234x 8+4=9876
12345x 8+5=98765
123456x 8+6=987654
1234567x 8+7=9876543
12345678x 8+8=98765432
123456789x 8+9=987654321

1x 9+2=11
12x 9+3=111
123x 9+4=1111
1234x 9+5=11111
12345x 9+6=111111
123456x 9+7=1111111
1234567x 9+8=11111111
12345678x 9+9=111111111
123456789x 9+10=1111111111

9x 9+7=88
98x 9+6=888
987x 9+5=8888
9876x 9+4=88888
98765x 9+3=888888
987654x 9+2=8888888
9876543x 9+1=88888888
98765432x 9+0=888888888
987654321x 9-1=8888888888
9876543210x 9-2=88888888888
Brilliant,isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:
1x 1=1
11x 11=121
111x 111=12321
1111x 1111=1234321
11111x 11111=123454321
111111x 111111=12345654321
1111111x 1111111=1234567654321
11111111x 11111111=123456787654321
111111111x 111111111=12345678987654321


It's amazing! Proud of those people whom defined this "Beauty of Maths".

