2007/12/18 Bank of England Mervyn King called for a series of measures to prevent another Northern Rock-style crisis and of months of “painful adjustment” as the problems in credit markets worked themselves out.
2008/1/16 任志剛在上周(大跌市前)已出奇地在傳媒講話, 話希望港股直通車盡快落實, 細節可以慢慢傾
2007/12/18 李嘉誠及旗下長和系申報資料證實,在12月14日各以每股6.06元減持中海集運2.5億股H股,及以每股24.8元減持中國遠洋8900萬股H股,合共套現逾37億港元。
2007/12/11 真優美撤回上市計劃, 保薦人:麥格理及工商東亞
2007/11/16 Berkshire Vice Chair Munger Sells Small Slice of Berkshire Hathaway
2007/11/28 九龍倉八供一
2007/10/31 新鴻基地產擬配股融資109億
2007/10/23 金管局入市港元拆息急跌, 本港日間拆息亦全線回落至5厘以下,1個月、3個月和6個月拆息分別為4.898厘、4.996厘和4.758厘。
2007/10/16 Warren Buffett sells all of PetroChina Holdings