標籤: promotion的相關資料
SHISEIDO samples (CWB Sogo)(10年3月24-30日)
If it is good,sumsum please
崇光銅鑼灣店資生堂特別推廣優惠24-30/3/2010 Sogo (CWB)Spring Beauty Fair SHISEIDO Special promotion
From: shiseido@shiseido.com.hk
Sent:Monday,March 22,2010 2:50:31 PM
To: your email
NEW Ultima II Supreme Whitening &Spot Reduction Treatment promotion (至10年3月5-7日)
NEW Ultima II Supreme Whitening &Spot Reduction Treatment promotion@ Sogo CWB
今日行開clinique ,SSFM做緊promotion
今日行過clinique見到有2set men's set 做緊promotion,
一set都係$220~只係支eye cream都$220啦~變相係買eyecream 送3 step~
雖然洗面,toner同支M gel 都係細size~
另一個fo ...
FACES ettusais Spring Lip Colors promotion (10年1月11-17日)
FACES ettusais Spring Lip Colors promotion 11-17 Jan,2010
Concept Link 's Joint promotion with Sinequanone
由即日起至2009年12月31日期間,於Concept Link 銅鑼灣時代廣場專櫃購物,即可獲贈法國時尚服飾Sinequanone的購物優惠咭咭乙張,尊享Sinequanone購物優惠:
- 尊享正價貨品九折及特價貨品額外95折優惠
- 免費獲贈時尚手鐲乙件(價值$390)
*優惠只限於Sineq ...
Headlines have free CWB sogo 9/F promotion coupons on 2/12
Headlines have some free CWB sogo 9/F promotion coupons on 2/12.
include: SKII ,Biotherm, HABA ,32c,Lancome
sis can use the copon go to 9/F promotion counter to get samples from 2/12-8/12
fresh friday promotion
mioggi promotion item(只限馬鞍山千色店,至11月29日)