標籤: mileage的相關資料
鴻星海鮮酒家憑ANA mileage club card 可享免費甜品加里數
Apply ANA mileage club card is free and easy.I got mine when I took the flight from Japan back to Hong Kong,Temporary ANA mileage club card is still valid.
I have used that yesterday and got a 楊枝甘露
There are still many other j ...
德國漢莎航空為慶祝飛行常客計劃Miles &More成立15周年,最近特別推出網上購物服務。會員除可以繼續以里數兌換機票外,更可以里數或里數加現金換取不同的禮品,包括電子產品、家居用品、時裝、首飾、體育及旅行用品等。為慶祝New Wave Rewards成立,由即日 ...