標籤: lcx的相關資料
UA LOYALTY CLUB會員可免費成為lcx vip(至6月30日)
由即日至6月30日UA LOYALTY CLUB會員憑會員証可到Causeway Bay lcx counter免費成為lcx 永久VIP價值$3000~!!!
(只限喺Causeway Bay申請,但張VIP尖咀lcx都可以用)詳情可打去Causeway Bay lcx 問下~
之前ua個website有講ga,但依家睇唔知點解冇左..... ...
恒生信用卡可免費獲lcx 貴賓卡會籍
恒生信用卡可免費獲lcx 貴賓卡會籍
remark:我換左啦,去到lcx 個服務counter 之後比張恒生卡佢,
佢會比張form 你填,之後有一張永久member卡
同2張coupon 比你.
GATINEAU - Free samples (TST lcx)(至6月30日)
You can get the leaflet on a shelf at TST lcx (near Agnis b or Aveda Salon).After completing the peronsal details on the leaflet,you can bring along it to Gatineau's counter (go straight at about 1/3 of the lcx).Ask the BA to have ...
免費換領Paul Smith or Lanvin 香水試用裝@ lcx (From 16-31 May)
憑這電郵喺尖沙咀or 銅鑼灣o既lcx 換2ml 香水試用裝
Sweet Years Clearance 70%OFF Sale at lcx Causeway Bay(至6月2日)
Sweet Years Clearance Sale at lcx Causeway Bay