標籤: fragrance的相關資料

Stella McCartney New fragrance –Stella Nude

Stella McCartney New fragrance –Stella Nude (Oct 25,2009) @ TST &CWB ~LC

免費換領Stella Nude - New fragrance of Stella McCartney淡香氛一份(至10月11)

唔知我有無睇錯~~ 1)應該係print -out個E-MAIL 就可以係由今日開始至10月11 去到CWB LANE CRAWFORD 就可以免費換領Stella Nude淡香氛一份 2)就係填左份form交回任何Stella McCartney‏就可以免費換領適合你既試用裝一份 ...

LCX Bazaar fragrance &Skincare Outlet Sale 80%Off(10月1-4日)

佢話用呢張printout有free gift wor~ 1/10/09-4/10/09~

fragrance &Skincare Outlet Sale at LCX Causeway Bay(至9月14日)

fragrance &Skincare Outlet Sale at LCX Causeway Bay

2009 LANVIN New fragrance - Exclusive Pre-launch at SOGO(至9月8日)

2009 LANVIN New fragrance - Exclusive Pre-launch at SOGO

今期faces card - 可換versace mini-spray fragrance(至8月23日)

今日係faces 買左野so update 左張card, period from 17aug to 23aug 各位sis 快d 去換啦!!!

fragrance and Skincare Outlet Sale at LCX Causeway Bay (8月5-9日)

fragrance and Skincare Outlet Sale at LCX Causeway Bay (August 5 - 9)

fragrance and Skincare Outlet Sale at LCX Causeway Bay (15-19 Jul)

Available at LCX Causeway bay only (till 19/07/09)

Demeter fragrance 開倉(6月25-27日)

Demeter fragrance Library 開倉 Warehoue sale UP TO 40%OFF 25/6 - 27/6 (Thu - Sat) 10am - 7pm 荃灣荃運工業中心2期8樓C室 部份貨品低至6折!!

New fragrance of Calvin Klein - Exclusive Offers for SOGO CLUB Members(4月22-28日)

New fragrance of Calvin Klein - Exclusive Offers for SOGO CLUB Members(4月22-28日)