標籤: eye的相關資料
MISSHA10月份生日的會員送調色乳霜彧eye patch(至10月31日)
MISSHA會員於10月1日至31日帶同missha寄出的生日獎賞劵連同會員卡到MISSHA店可獲贈MISSHA The style silky soft base or perfect finish base or speedy solution clearing gel eye patch 1pc
唔好錯過換領機會喇! ...
Shiseido White Skincare samples &eye Treatment Samples - Times Square (until 9/13/09)
Shiseido White Lucent Basic Skincare samples (2 pcs)&Brightening eye Treatment Samples (2 pcs)- Times Square Lane Crawford (until 9/13/09)
- I received this e-mail from TS office Club.I believe the BA are not required to check y ...
Veld’s 免費體驗eye MAGIC 強效去黑眼圈去眼袋功效(至9月30日)
想親身體驗Veld’s eye MAGIC 於2009年9月30日前,只需列印並攜同此頁親臨連卡佛Veld’s 專櫃(廣東道‧國際金融中心‧太古廣場‧時代廣場),即可享用眼部輪廓修飾服務+乙次,並於服務完成後獲贈FEROX PURE PULP 3ml試用裝乙份。
+輪廓修飾服務,每人只限享用 ...
Trinityline - Power Lift Wrapping eye
Original price $360
Now $140 ,@Xatson's
dunno when the promotion stops,i bought it in Shatin.
eye Mask
Which eye mask should be the best?I want to buy the cream mask instead of paper mask.Any suggestion?Please share.Thank you.
Biotherm free eye Treatment services
biotherm's ba give me a free eye treatment service when i purchase in there last time.
I haven't book it yet since i afraid they will very hardsell after service,any sis try it before?
MTM eye mask 免費試貼及皮膚分析乙次
she.com現誠邀網友率先免費體驗MTM「限量精裝版」Custom-blended eye Mask及皮膚分析。現立即登記並填寫簡單資料,即有機會獲邀免費試用(名額8名)。
登記後會收到以下coupon ,請有興趣的會員先到she.com 登記以享以下優惠
La Prairie eye Cream @ TST 連卡佛
今日lunch time 見到La Prairie 係tst 連卡佛做緊promo.順去換埋,完全唔需要邀請卡,佢地d ba 見你行過就咁派張card 比你,你可以當時換埋
原來枝eye crea一要成$27xxga~~~,所以post 出呢同其他sis share