標籤: Lotion的相關資料

HABA White Lady精華及VC Lotion 低至7折優惠(至13年1月31日)

HABA White Lady及VC Lotion 大優惠!White Lady美白精華53ml更低至7折!優惠期至到1月31號

jessica code送50ml craytree moisture Lotion


Murad皮膚分析+購物送30ml Skin Perfecting Lotion滿$800送45min facial

See Your Skin in a Different Light To change your skin you must first understand its true condition.Start now with a personal assessment using Murad’s state-of-the-art ‘Reveal Imaging System’. From now until 31 October 2009,our ...

Dove Body Lotion (Buy 1 get 1 free in Watsons)(至10月11日)

cost $34.7 / 2 bottles,seems 370ml.... if good,please give me sum sum...

Crabtree shower gel &body Lotion Buy 1 get 1 free!

Just recd the call from Crabtree and the ba say that the shower gel &body Lotion are buy 1 get 1 free for all their stores ,and just for 2 days only (20 and 21/6),but I am VIP member,so I don't know this promotion is for member on ...

BAZAAR 送Crabtree &Evelyn body Lotion

BAZAAR 送Crabtree &Evelyn body Lotion 25ml x3枝 $40 一本 有興趣就下睇下la