標籤: Bally的相關資料

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Bally on sale--up to 50%off

Yesterday pass SOGO and find the Bally shop is on sale.Bags and shoes up to 50%off. If you pay by the credit card of UnionPay,you will get extra 5%off.I have no idea about how long will this sale last,but I think at least for one ...

Lane Crawford,Joyce,Bally,Pedder 開倉18-23/12

Lane Crawford,Joyce,Bally,Pedder,Imaginex Group up to 80%off 18-23/12/2008 11:00am-9:00pm

恒生信用卡特選客戶尊享Bally 2008秋冬貨品低至6折優惠(11月21日止)

由即日起至2008年11月21日,憑特選恒生信用卡到Bally專門店,可尊享以下優惠: 2008秋冬貨品低至6折優惠 *特選恒生信用卡包括:恒生VisaInfinite、萬事達顯貴卡、香港賽馬會會員卡(萬事達白金及金卡)、競駿會會員卡、「優越」理財白金卡、白金卡、聯營 ...
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