著數優惠交流網 » 閒聊吹水區 » 7月5日好開心吹水區
原帖由 poalan1 於 2008-7-5 11:21 發表 You would be very busy as so many people eat the egg as breakfast!
原帖由 poalan1 於 2008-7-5 11:31 發表 A doctor + extra witnesses are required to certify thir mental health at the time when arrange the will, if such type of peoples are available here?
原帖由 大B 於 2008-7-5 11:22 發表 豬士蛋糕~~~ 你都唔食豬芝既~~
原帖由 joan_minako 於 2008-7-5 11:30 發表 hm... 我時間上, 未能可以配合咁多新鮮感俾佢.....就算我有時間時...佢就次次跟朋友去左遙遠的地方旅行.... 好似今次咁, 我來緊個week返完工, 正式放暑假(ignore夜晚個8堂course) 但佢就偏偏係我返完工個日, 去左德 ...