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nonamemacau 發表於 2007-8-6 15:05

DirectX 10for Windows XP 修改版

DirectX 10for Windows XP 修改版

雖然微軟和顯示芯片廠商明確表示Windows XP將不支持DirectX 10以及其諸多特性,但駭客們卻不這麼認為,他們將Windows Vista下面的DirectX截取並嘗試在XP上實現Shader Model 4.0和幾何渲染特性,現在相關的檔案已經出現在檔案存儲站點


DirectX 10V!$t@,sharpened under XP.
1.improved with possibility programmings (Shader Model 4.0and geometric sheyder);
2.strict apparatus specifications;
3.improved productivity (reduction in the number of workable commands to the sequence);
4.standardized collections of instructions (HLSL 10);
5.flow input/output (geometric sheyder it can write into the memory).


[url]http://w14.easy-share.com/2744811.html[/url] Part 1(40mb)

[url]http://w14.easy-share.com/2744441.html[/url] Part 2(19.49mb)(http://www.GetJetso.com - 著數網提供最新著數優惠情報,股市討論,潮流時尚美容討論拍賣及易物服務)

hoihin 發表於 2007-8-13 09:21

thank for shareing !!!:handshake :handshake

06bbq88 發表於 2007-8-18 22:25

good:handshake :handshake

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