adidas &Reebok開倉特賣優惠@九倉電訊廣場(至11年5月22日)
[attach]52858[/attach] 有冇人去左?多唔多正野睇? 冇!!冇野睇! [quote]原帖由[i]cptan2[/i]於2011-5-11 23:40 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]冇!!冇野睇![/quote]
不過佢賣咩貨多?同埋咩折?唔該 just some adidas shoe and t shirt.(is not very cheap) By the way,there is very small outlet .i think just 150-200 square feet. [quote]原帖由[i]cptan2[/i]於2011-5-12 11:02 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
just some adidas shoe and t shirt.(is not very cheap)By the way,there is very small outlet .i think just 150-200 square feet.[/quote]
you mean the outlet in Kwun Tong 駱駝x果間?