回覆33# mercurywong 的帖子
呢個好d 啦:smilies28: 既然大家都覺得#33易睇d,我亦同管理員講左.咁我就儘快將#1修改.而以後每個月都會咁寫.
11月18日頭條日報:Clinique (至10年11月21日)
[attach]48411[/attach] 今日(11月18日)都市日報p.15有SKII coupon 送科研瑩透修護霜2.5g,科研緻白煥膚凝霜2.8g 及珍珠亮白精華10ml,只限時代廣場,廣東道及國際金融中心連卡佛SKII專櫃
回覆47# miji 的帖子
When is deadline of SKII?Please report!
Thanks a lot! 18-11-2010 #580 3週刊
回覆48# bonnieszesh 的帖子
until 21.11...but ifc already no stock回覆50# ayuen 的帖子
wa..already no stk lai want try CR tim,hope still hv tonite la
回覆51# YYBB 的帖子
咁快冇哂,我仲諗住星期6去拎tim回覆51# YYBB 的帖子
yes....they asked me to try another branch回覆53# ayuen 的帖子
CR may also no ga la,so many sis in TST ma [quote]原帖由[i]YYBB[/i]於2010-11-18 16:56 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=979328&ptid=384757][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]CR may also no ga la,so many sis in TST ma [/quote]
原來harbour city gateway 度擺左skii 既road show,tst lane crawford既ba 叫我去個度換,但我冇時間,要聽日至可以換,換左既sis請report~~ Ohno,ba just tell me no stk chi wor...no ask me go to gateway....:smilies18: