The Grand 三週年誌慶優惠(至10年10月31日)
The Grand 三週年誌慶The Grand 3rd Anniversary
為慶祝The Grand 開幕3週年,凡於推廣日期內購買任何電影戲票,可憑即日*票尾於The Grand及指定商戶享有特別優惠。
To celebrate The Grand 3rd Anniversary,customers will be entitled to enjoy special offers at The Grand &various merchants upon presentation of The Grand same day*movie ticket stub during the promotion period.
推廣及優惠日期: 2010年10月9日至31日
Promotion Period: 9 –31 October 2010
*Ben &Jerry 及The Rink優惠除外
Excluding Ben &Jerry &The Rink offers.