Clinique優惠獻禮- 連卡彿(時代廣場)及FACES(尖沙咀)[attach]46322[/attach]
[url][/url] I Can not redeem ,must sent by email ga. Dear 樓主,Would you mind providing the e-mail heading to us?
Thanks in advance~ Times Square need email heading please E我係TST FACE成功換到,唔使EMAIL HEADING,我都係就咁PRINT OUT,個BA仲好有耐性向我講解用法,:smilies54: [quote]原帖由[i]wlingp[/i]於2010-10-1 23:38 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
E我係TST FACE成功換到,唔使EMAIL HEADING,我都係就咁PRINT OUT,個BA仲好有耐性向我講解用法,:smilies54:[/quote]
same as yours,but the BA was so busy and did not tell me how to use.... [quote]原帖由[i]penguin8[/i]於2010-9-30 17:46 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
Times Square need email heading please [/quote]
有e-mail heading 都沒用,因time square 一早已經話換晒